IT consulting has different facets. The creation of feasibility studies in the context of brainstorming processes, the task specification, the selection of suitable employees for the IT department - all that a company understands by modern, holistic and ready-to-use IT consulting.
Within the scope of IT consulting, we want to know from YOU which goals you associate with the use of computer science in your company. Often such proposals are projects that can be implemented in a short time. Nevertheless, some considerations are necessary to not reduce the project to absurdity. We want to support you expertly without palming anything off to you. We know from experience that there are two extremes among users, over- and underestimation. So use us as project guides. We guarantee that we meet at eye level.
NEW IN OUR CONSULTING OFFER: Online sales with an eShop
From brainstorming to the creation of an eShop with Joomla!© and virtueMart©, you will be expertly supported.